Friday, June 2, 2023

 An update on my investment portfolio: 

Dividend portfolio chugging along fine, producing much need mental well-being amidst the carnage for first three months of the year. Then from March 2023 onward, there's a silent bull among tech and infocom stocks (Nasdaq 100) 

BTC also recovered all the way from high teens 15-19k to 27-30k, Tesla went briefly below $110 only to double up to $200. 

Basically original new year plans of 2023 by sitting still and not selling or increasing exposure worked. 

Had some DTH position which served me well, up 6% around March with 1 round of dividend, then down back to +0% when tech stock boomed. Perfect hedge so far. Likelihood of keeping this at 3-4% position permanently. 

Much more luck and geopolitical peace required for this round of rally to sustain, likely to be sideway market that falls back to high $390s and ranges to $440 for SPY. Less trading and more accumulation. 

Fall short of saving target of $50,000 at this point, due to various credit card miles deals that were irresistible. Prob will make up for it once Dec rolls around. Main concern now is finding the right apartment. Fingers crossed. 


Hitting 40 and the state of mind

Just hit my 40th birthday recently and I really felt "it" Body's taking longer to recover  Mind's getting less sharp at ti...