Monday, October 12, 2015

feeling old these months, i think it is partly work  - i have been focusing more on getting my job done and reducing mistakes at work. And I have not been at it for my leg physio,...seems like my legs need regular training to keep up at this age range.

Recently there was a selldown on STI and I completely missed it as I have previously bought some already and thus ran out of bullets. It was a good lesson to me to stick to my investing plans that i have drafted and not deviated despite people around me making money. I could have average down for a few more counters had I resisted the temptations.

Tmr i shall go gym to work on my knees.. haha

Merry X'mas and 2023 EOY report

 This is mainly for self accountability. From now until 2030 I will try to keep a yearly EOY summary of what went right or wrong for the yea...