Wednesday, June 3, 2015

insomnia haunts me again recently. Thankfully, unlike the old days at my rental flat, i can whip up a nice meal to aid me to slp. They say an empty tummy with a full mind keeps you awake and the reverse makes you sleep true.

shes killing me, for the past 6 months I could hardly focus. At times I just want to give up and move on, but I really wish to know the reason. This is so unfair to me.
I guess falling in love doesnt need a reason and the reverse is true too.

As for investment , Singapore O&G is the latest darling for the local retail players this month.
I have personally taken an interest in this medical IPO too, reminded me of QnM where its likely to seek expansion via placement and so on. The dividend payout at 90% for 2015 may seem high but I believe it is a strategy and angpow to the family members. Hopefully it will reduce the ratio and turn into a growth stock.

Hope i can accumulate some of this counter before it runs up too high.

Merry X'mas and 2023 EOY report

 This is mainly for self accountability. From now until 2030 I will try to keep a yearly EOY summary of what went right or wrong for the yea...